Volunteering Organizations
Better living foundation and capacity development a Non profit organisation CAC No 120564. Existing since 2005 with the principal purpose of worki...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0

Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative
Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative (Global ECC Initiative) is an independent global campaign organization which aims to be a ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Women Excel Trust
Women Excel Trust,(W.E.T) is a trust which mandates to work hand in glove with women and young girls to improve their livelihoods by equipping the...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Kashif Organization
Specialist in Prevention from breast cancer and researching
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Armée de jeunes contre le paludisme de la RDC
Nous sommes une association sans but lucratif créée sur l'initiative du conseil d'administration de l'Alliance des dirigeants africains contre le p...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0

Mandela Voluntary Foundation Cameroon
Mandela Voluntary Foundation Cameroon ( MANVOFCAM) is a voluntary and life coaching training organization founded in 2013, we are rooted in Nelson ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 1

Collectif des Volontaires du Senegal CODEVS
Collectif regroupant 10 associations ayant des volontaires dont la mission est de promouvoir et developper le volontariat au Sénégal
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 4

TOBONGISA Asbl est une organisation de développement de droit congolais qui travaille pour le changement positif, éveille et interpelle les conscie...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 5

Armée des jeunes contre le paludisme
Mouvement des jeunes créé par l'Alliance des Dirigeants Africains contre le paludisme pour promouvoir la participation et l'implication des jeunes ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Bilenge Bwanya ya congo
Bilenge Bwanya ya Congo main goal is to make quality education accessible to everyone in Congo!
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Renaissance Plus
Protection des droits de l'enfant
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
TJF Investments CC
Social Enterprise
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
U-Report :est une plate-forme sociale développée par UNICEF, disponible via SMS, où les jeunes s’expriment sur des enjeux qui leur tiennent à cœur,...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
ABA Foundation
ABA Foundation is a Non Governmental Organization registered under the Laws of Uganda. ABA Foundation is validated by an "Apostille" based on The H...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Build Peace and Development
Paix, justice et droits humains, Développement Durable et Changement Climatique
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Lesley Foundation
Our vision is to inspire, educate, mentor and empower youth towards solving Societal Leadership challenges across board.
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 7
BIG family
Charity organization that that gives opportunity to children in rural areas a chance to access to food, clothing, shelter and good education
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
APAM (African Providential Aid Movement)
We are a Non Governmental Nonprofit making organization working to build resilience of women and youngs girls amidst climate change by promoting ag...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Time is Now Africa Initiative (TiNA)
A youth-led non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to eradicating poverty and improving the access and quality of educationn and he...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0
Children and Young People Living for Peace (CYPLP)
We are organic, voluntary of experts coming together to advance, promote and translate SDGs and Agenda 2060 through collective actions.
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 0