Volunteering Organizations

National Association of Volunteer Work
The National Association for Volunteer Work is an entity of a public utility, and is subject to the law of associations, before that it was active ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 18

Initiative Germano Africaine de la Jeunesse
The African-German Youth Initiative (AGYI) is being implemented in Germany and in African countries. Engagement Global is coordinating the developm...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 3

L’ANVT est la structure publique au Togo chargée de la promotion et de la gestion du volontariat. Elle a pour but de promouvoir et valoriser l’enga...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 9

YOUthkmer Volunteers for SDGs
YOUthkmer Volunteers for SDGs (YV4SDGs) is the national’s largest civil society-run Platform – every single action from the local level all the way...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 8

Nile Youth Development Actions
The Nile Youth Development Actions (NYDA) is a grassroots catalyzer focusing on entrepreneurship, education, employment, and inclusive engagement t...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 3
Action Pour la Survie des Enfants, des Veuves, et Pour l’Échange Culturel. L'Association œuvre dans les domaines de l’Éducation, le Social et l’Éch...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 2

Purity Mwangie
VSO is the world’s leading international development organisation that works through volunteers to create a fair world for everyone. Working in 24 ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 5
Youssouf Souleyman Kandamaye
Pacific Dialogue and Cohabitation Committee
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 6

Organization for Migrants and Non Immigrants for African Education
OMANIAE (Organization for Migrants and Non Immigrants for African Education) is a Non-Governmental Global Network Organizations established to prom...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 2

Internet Village Africa
The Internet Village Digital Economy and Community Development Research Project is a digital community oriented organization. For several years,...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 13

TOBONGISA Asbl est une organisation de développement de droit congolais qui travaille pour le changement positif, éveille et interpelle les conscie...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 5

Investir pour un Développement Meilleur (IDM-TOGO) est une association togolaise de développement humanitaire et de solidarité internation...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 8

BE THE CHANGE is an initiative of iLEAD AFRICA a non profit organization focused on empowering marginalized communities through civic engagement. I...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 7

AJALCOM - Associação dos Jovens Apostados na Luta Contra os Males
Organização juvenil de intervenção social, cultural e humanitária
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 8

Association for the Defense and Development of Society - ADDESSO
ADDESSO is a non-profit organization whose mission is to boost the well-being and empowerment of communities, through solutions that privilege the ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 6

Curtin Child Learning Centre ( CLICCS)
We are a nursery & Primary school serving the underseved children & youth in Sembabule District. We benchmark our services on the following SDS, Qu...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 6

O-YES Global Foundation
O-YES Global Foundation is a youth lead, non-profit and non-Government global organization founded on the 19th of August 2014 in Thailand and the ...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 17

APS - Amigos Para Sociedade
APS é uma associação juvenil sem fins lucrativos fundada em Outubro de 2021 no distrito de Inhassunge na província da Zambézia. O seu principal obj...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 7

Televisão Amaramba
Televisão Amaramba é uma estação televisiva de iniciativa local, composta por uma equipa técnica inteiramente por voluntários, que se dedica à prom...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 8

Great Minds Empire Africa
Great Minds Empire Africa also known as African Center for Youth Development, Education and Advocacy Initiative is a charitable non-governmental, n...
Volunteers: 0
Sectors: 7