
Volunteering Organizations

WETCHE YOUBI Christel-Diane

Taking action & providing sustainable solutions. JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committ...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

YOUthkmer Volunteers for SDGs

YOUthkmer Volunteers for SDGs (YV4SDGs) is the national’s largest civil society-run Platform – every single action from the local level all the way...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 8

Organization For Environment Protection And Rural Infrastructure Development (oreprid)

OREPRID is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) founded in 2013 with Registration number G.39/D14/5/733 in accordance with Law no.90/0533 of 19th D...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 7

Watchman Relief Association Global

WRAG is a non-profit organization in the field of humanitarian and peace building that works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-g...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

ROBOGA Association Cameroon

Youth Empowerment for self development, employment and Community Development

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Mandela Voluntary Foundation Cameroon

Mandela Voluntary Foundation Cameroon ( MANVOFCAM) is a voluntary and life coaching training organization founded in 2013, we are rooted in Nelson ...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 1

Lesley Foundation

Our vision is to inspire, educate, mentor and empower youth towards solving Societal Leadership challenges across board.

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 7

APAM (African Providential Aid Movement)

We are a Non Governmental Nonprofit making organization working to build resilience of women and youngs girls amidst climate change by promoting ag...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Hope for a Better Tomorrow (HOBET)

We are a women led organization which is partnering for the attainment of the UN SDGs, using volunteerism to build community impact. We have 20 v...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0


YES HEALTH is a Cameroonian non-profit organization created and legalized with the aim of facilitating access to sexual and reproductive health car...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 3

Women as Agent of Transformation

We are civil society organization based in Cameroon and we focus on women's empowerment and transformation through education, entrepreneurship

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Denis Miki Foundation

Denis Miki Foundation is a women and youth led organisation duly authorised by Prefectoral order number 163/G.37/D14/VOLI/SAAJP on the 19th of May,...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Association camerounaise des femmes informaticiennes ACAFEI

Collectif de jeunes femmes informaticiennes regroupées dans l'objectif de promouvoir l'utilisation et l'apprentissage des TIC chez la femme et surt...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Personal Development and Motivation Foundation

Personal Development and Motivation is a learning foundation that seeks to enhance your learning, personal development and motivation through educa...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

FACDDUC Cameroun

The FACDDUC organization was born from an observation. The observation was based on the fact that, in general, women in Cameroonian society are vic...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

ADDERH Cameroun

L’ADDERH est une association non lucrative, apolitique et laïque. Elle a pour objet d’œuvrer en faveur de l’amélioration du bien-être économique, s...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0


CHild development initiative

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Fitness And Community Development Corner

We use fitness activities to develop communities

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Association 237 Made In Cameroon

Vulgarisation - Valorisation - Promotion du Made In Cameroon

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0

Great Vision Organization for Sustainable Development

We envisage a world where women and girls and other vulnerable persons in the society have equal access to opportunities and are empowered to achi...

Volunteers: 0

Sectors: 0