
Fredrick Binamungu Simon

Sisi Tanzania Organizations works to empower young people and intermediaries to ensure that young people are recognized as significant and valuable...

Contact Informations

  • P. O. Box 50, 3 CDA Street P O. Box 1249, DODOMA

  • https://www.sisitanzania.org/home











Sisi Tanzania Organizations works to empower young people and intermediaries to ensure that young people are recognized as significant and valuable resources, as well as advocate to ensure that young people are integrated into various decision-making structures. STO is committed to ensuring that young people's concerns, perspectives, and issues are addressed through its work with and for young people. We are motivated by the need to bring Tanzanian youths together, regardless of their political, economic, or environmental differences. Youth are great assets to their communities, yet they are frequently excluded from decision-making and go unnoticed. Local groups in the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership are using novel tactics to teach youngsters about the power of statistics and how to use them to advocate for the changes they want to see in their communities. Our organization addresses and ensures the well-being of youth is protected and squared. The critical solution is the blueprint that we are concerned about, creating a thriving community that focuses on empowering youth voices and building multi-generational connections. The next generation of active youth will help prepare the next generation of active youth to achieve the Tanzania that we want. Make Young People's Engagement a Reality for utilizing youth potential in active participation and cooperation; open discourse; decision making; initiative development; execution; and national program assessment. This vision will empower and enhance active stepladders to integrate and amplify young voices while enhancing innovation, creativity, and long-term solutions to societal demands and difficulties. The goal is to provide chances for young people to express themselves, as well as ways for them to speak out on the agenda that impact them and allow them to control the process and outcome Sisi Tanzania Organization is passionate about seeing young people as a force for positive change in the country; without young people's empowerment and the creation of a conducive environment that ensures young people's participation in political, development, and socioeconomic processes, sustainable development is unlikely to be realized Our conviction is that if young people are empowered and given opportunities to engage in political, development, and economical processes, our communities and the country as a whole would succeed. We think that when young people are empowered, they can contribute positively to democracy and good governance, helping to accomplish the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Tanzania's development vision 2025/2030.
