
As part of the study and validation of the strategy document and promotion of volunteering in Benin, the National Employment Agency (AnpE) organised a session at Benin Royal HôteI in Cotonou on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 August 2023, co-financed by the African Union.
Several international and national players are involved. They include the African Union Commission - Women, Gender and Youth Division, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), France Volontaires, the Conseil National du Patronat du Bénin (CNP-BENIN), Confédération Nationale des Employeurs du Bénin (CONEB), Civil Society, Trade Union, Agence Nationale de Volontariat du TOGO (ANVT), Peace Corps, Members of the National Assembly of Benin. The NGO JEUNESSE ACTION was one of the two national organisations involved in volunteering and was represented by its Executive Director, Mr MEDJA Ambroise.
A number of presentations by Dr Meshesha Shewarega gave participants an insight into the African Union, including the following:
- Introduction to the AU and its mandate in the field of volunteering
- Familiarisation with the African Union's continental platform
- Orientation to the AU Volunteering Standards and Framework (AU Standards Based Volunteering Programme)
- Learning on the development of a national volunteering policy or strategy based on AU standards
The Human Resources Department, led by Ms MOUSTAPHA DOYIGBE Colombe, presented the National Employment Agency (ANPE) and its various programmes to the participants.
After various comments on the existing draft document, the audience approved the strategy and promotion document for voluntary work in Benin.

Jeunesse Action ONG JA AnpE Bénin Validation document de volontariat Agence nationale pour l'Emploi

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L’ONG Jeunesse Action est une association de Volontariat laïque, non politique, non confessionnelle. Elle s’appuie sur la jeunesse pour jouer un rôle de citoyen responsable, conscient des problèmes de son pays et soucieux de les résoudre. Elle vise la protection de l’enfance malheureuse et de toutes les couches sociales vulnérables en vue de leur mieux-être.

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