
As part of the implementation of the "Girls for Equality Campaign", Plan International Benin invited the NGO JEUNESSE ACTION and several other organisations to a workshop on Thursday 07 September 2023 to take stock of the Campaign conducted during the 2023 fiscal year and to replan activities for the 2024 fiscal year, which runs from September 2023 to February 2024. The meeting, which lasted 8 hours, was held in the conference room of the North Office of Plan International Benin in the OURBOUGA district of Natitingou. Other participants included the Head of the Atacora/Donga branch of the NGO JEUNESSE ACTION.
At the opening of the session, Ms Bella OROU WONKA and Mr Benoit K. DJANGNI (Acting Director of Plan International Benin's Northern Influence and Programme Office) followed the usual rules and greetings, and announced the agenda, which, after amendment, was divided into 6 points as follows:
 Presentation of the context, objectives and expected outcomes of the workshop
 Presentation of the Girls' Equality Campaign and the results achieved
 Presentation of the activities of the CAFE associations and clubs
 Coffee break
 Group work to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the various associations and proposals for innovative activities linked to the campaign
 Drawing up a new action plan for the GGE campaign from September to February
 With regard to the first point, we have understood the vulnerability of girls and young women. To help these people, organisations are set up to break down the psychological, cultural and social barriers that hinder their full development, their rights and their ability to make decisions that have an impact on their lives and their environment.
 The second point concerned the system put in place to achieve these objectives and the results obtained. This system is made up of 09 coffee clubs set up in CEGs, Lycées and universities. The members of these clubs have received training to organise awareness-raising sessions in their communities so that local realities can change. After this point, we had a coffee break.
 The third and fourth points were dealt with simultaneously in order to select the activities that were most familiar to us and some of the other activities within each organisation.
 At the last point, we drew up a list of activities to be carried out before the end of February 2024. The list is as follows;
- Information and guidance session for young girls on digital careers (Youth Action activity)
- Intergenerational talk on sharing family responsibilities and household chores
- Awareness-raising session on environmental protection and training on how to turn non-biodegradable waste into high added-value objects
- Break the barriers campaign
- Training for young girls on cyber harassment and e-reputation
- Young people ask questions
- Youth campaign against sexism
- Capacity-building for mothers' clubs on comprehensive sex education
- Raising awareness among leaders about the various forms of GBV against apprentices
- Celebrate JIFI through an awareness-raising workshop on SSRAJ
- Organise the second edition of the CAFÉ clubs' gender challenge
- Raising awareness among local elected representatives, religious leaders and opinion leaders on the promotion of female leadership
- Raising awareness of early pregnancies in the craft sector
- Empowering young girls through IGAs
- Organising a mentoring programme for young girls
- Celebrating 16 days of activism against GBV
- Celebration of statutory days

Egalité des Sexes Jeunesse Action Plan International Bénin ONG JA PIB

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L’ONG Jeunesse Action est une association de Volontariat laïque, non politique, non confessionnelle. Elle s’appuie sur la jeunesse pour jouer un rôle de citoyen responsable, conscient des problèmes de son pays et soucieux de les résoudre. Elle vise la protection de l’enfance malheureuse et de toutes les couches sociales vulnérables en vue de leur mieux-être.

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