
This October 11, 2022, in the room of the Natitingou Youth Center, Plan International Benin joins civil society including the NGO Jeunesse Action to commemorate the International Day of the Girl whose theme is "The Participation of Girls and Women in Politics" and aims to raise awareness among girls on the importance of the presence of women on the political scene. The NGO Jeunesse Action took an active part in this activity through 13 girls including the National President of the Network of Volunteers of Jeunesse Action in the person of Miss OROU WONKA Bella.
Financed entirely by Plan International Benin, this commemoration was attended by the Representative of UNICEF and a number of authorities including the Prefect of Atacora, the Director of the Departmental Directorate of Social Affairs and Microfinance, the Mayor of Natitingou, Director of Plan International of Natitingou.

Jeunesse Action Journée Internationale de la Fille Protection Sociale Egalité des Sexes

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L’ONG Jeunesse Action est une association de Volontariat laïque, non politique, non confessionnelle. Elle s’appuie sur la jeunesse pour jouer un rôle de citoyen responsable, conscient des problèmes de son pays et soucieux de les résoudre. Elle vise la protection de l’enfance malheureuse et de toutes les couches sociales vulnérables en vue de leur mieux-être.

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