
On Friday, October 07, 2022, the celebration of the French Volunteer Day took place in the grounds of the French Institute of Cotonou.
The ceremony took place under the aegis of the National Representative of France Volunteers in Benin, the Representative of the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Employment Promotion, the Ambassador of France to Benin, the Director General of the National Employment Agency and other prominent personalities.
At the beginning, speeches were made for the actual launch of the celebration. Then the visit of the very specific stands exhibited by associations including the NGO JEUNESSE ACTION, was made in order to briefly present their activities. This is how the whole public had moved to visit more particularly the stand of the NGO JEUNESSE ACTION and to inquire about its axes of interventions. After many explanations given by the host of the stand, Mrs. HOUNSAVI Comélia, the audience turned around very satisfied.
Finally, the public composed of a variety of Associations, Volunteers on mission in Benin and other Personalities, was entitled to two panels. The Executive Director of the NGO JEUNESSE ACTION, Mr. MEDJA Ambroise is one of the six facilitators of the first panel whose theme is: "The challenges of Volunteering in a solidarity world".
The ceremony therefore ended with some cultural activities and a cocktail.

JVF Jeunesse Action Sante Communautaire Protection Social et Environnementale Volontariat

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L’ONG Jeunesse Action est une association de Volontariat laïque, non politique, non confessionnelle. Elle s’appuie sur la jeunesse pour jouer un rôle de citoyen responsable, conscient des problèmes de son pays et soucieux de les résoudre. Elle vise la protection de l’enfance malheureuse et de toutes les couches sociales vulnérables en vue de leur mieux-être.

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